Nutrition And Food
Food choice. [Photography]. Retrieved from Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopaedia.
The topic that most interests me is the relationship between eating behavior and emotion control. Changing your eating habits can be tough especially if you're someone (like myself) who has used food as a means to cope. Throughout the majority of my life, I've struggled with maintaining healthy eating habits. My early childhood consisted of suppressing my emotions with food. No one ever told me to stop, because nutrition was never a focal point in the household that I grew up in. Having food on the table was the only concern; quality of ingredients was of little importance. This is why maintaining a balanced diet as an adult has been an imperative challenge.
Along with learning more about the relationship between eating behavior and emotion control I would like to learn more about low income and unhealthy diets. What makes up a healthy balanced diet? Why is substantial food so expensive? According to the Canadian Food Guide, “a healthy diet consists of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, protein consumed regularly, along with more plant based proteins” (Health Canada, Canada Food Guide).
Health Canada. [Photography]. Retrieved from Government of Canada Food Guide.
With the rise of increasing health issues for many generations, having a balanced diet is turning into a complete lifestyle choice for many Canadians. However, “in 2017 about 50% of Canadians experienced cardiovascular disease due to poor dietary nutrition” (Health Canada, Canada Food Guide). Canada is a prosperous nation full of services that benefit all people. Why do lower income residents retain poor diets that usually continue into adulthood? Growing up in a low income environment, I relate to those will little resources. Especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. In an article by Science Direct Staff, one can even learn more about “living in deprived neighbourhoods and the relationship with unhealthy food.” This is something that I am truly passionate about, I am focused on pursuing this idea of study.
Guiding children's diets. [Photography]. Retrieved from Britannica ImageQuest.
As a person who has experienced all types of fluctuating dieting practices and self loathing, this is especially important. Healing oneself and helping others is what is integral to the human experience. I believe that if we change what lower income people are consuming, they may be able to activate higher levels of learning and engagement with their lives. With a resounding amount of people demanding better food I also believe that presently, and in the future, nutrition will play a more important role in the culinary industry. There is strong evidence that “improving taxation and subsidy policies will improve the populations dietary behaviors” (Science Direct, Healthy food subsidies and unhealthy food taxation). As someone who enjoys going out to local restaurants I understand that eating locally and purchasing nutritious food can become expensive. But with the rising diets such as veganism and different vegetarians fast food subsidies are being forced to adapt. With this change and the continuous adaptation of the culinary community I hope that the governments will follow suit in making the right choices i.e. subsidizing nutritious food companies.
Lifestyle change through food in today’s technologically inclined society may seem effortless but it can contain many misleading outlets of information. Fad diets, posts based on ad revenue, or simply uninformed writing can point those in need of assistance in odd directions. A credible source written by experts on the subject, containing references and citations, typically evaluated yearly by industry professionals that include research findings are the sustenance that people of all backgrounds need. Health is wealth and knowledge is power. I’ve listed a credible source below along with some very questionable websites (i.e. ones I wouldn’t redeem credible for your point of reference).
Credible: (governed)
Non-credible: (anyone can edit it)
The more we know about nutrition, the more we can do better about it. As stated previously, a large amount of the Canadian population is struggling with cardiovascular ailments. Nutrition paired with physical activity are at the forefront of tackling health issues. Nutrition is an important aspect of society and will become even more valuable not just to those that are lacking, but all of us as we value a higher quality of living.
Works Cited
Food choice. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2016.
Guiding children's diets. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2016.
Health Canada. “Canada Food Guide.” Government of Canada, 2019.
Health Canada. “Canada Food Guide.” Government of Canada, 2019
Niebylski, Mark L in “Healthy Food subsidies and Unhealthy Food taxation: A Systematic Review of the Evidence PubMed, 2015.
Sciencedirect Staff. “Relationships with Food.” Science Direct, 2019.